Thursday, September 30, 2010

Witch Trials

The worksheet that we did about the witch trials today made me wonder how many alleged witches were killed. I found a sight that said that anywhere from 50,000-200,000 alleged witches were executed. Surprisingly, about half or less than half of witch trials ended in execution. Also, apparently the burning of witches at the stake is grossly overexaggerated too. This sight also says that burning at the stake was illegal in the English colonies. There were many other gruesome means of execution but it would probably be frowned upon to go into detail.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

John Smith

This is pretty much just a very short version of the John Smith story we read. However as with all videos it does leave out many important facts and generally focuses on the easy to grasp concepts like starvation and trading with the Powhatan.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cherokee Beliefs

As I was looking on the internet and other sections of the literature book I noticed that the Cherokee are monotheistic. Makes you wonder if Europeans had contact with the Native Americans prior to the founding of select religions such as Buddhism. Now to my knowledge there is no documentation of these encounters.

When the Europeans encountered the Native Americans did the religions that the colonists bring with them effect the Native Americans' religions. For example did the Cherokee take the idea of monotheism from Christianity or Catholicism.