Monday, October 11, 2010


HUAC stands for the House Un-American Act Committee. What they did was investigate and judge if the actions of anyone accused were unAmerican or Communitst. If you were found to be a Communist or tied to Communism they would make you list names of other Communists that you know or hold you in contempt of Congress.The names that were given could then be blacklisted.

My first impression upon hearing this was: I did not know there was this much detail to the hearings. Upon reading this I began to wonder if people could honestly think like this. How could people honestly rat out their friends and collegues? Similarly to Arthur Miller getting called Communist. Could people honestly just call someone a Communist like that and live with themselves knowing that they had ruined their friends' lives?

1 comment:

  1. It certainly doesn't follow "Love your neighbor as yourself," does it?
